I'm a happy gardener and happenstance artist. Upon moving to Illinois, I committed to 100 days of creativity. From balloon animals to container planting, I crafted away - between unpacking boxes. It was a great escape from the pressure of moving, but there were days when the last thing I wanted to do was pick up a pencil, brush or tool... With disciplined practice and a limited budget, I began to see projects in ordinary objects.
For example, the week we moved into our home, a Willow tree fell on an open space lot nearby. In the midst of unpacking, I had my children gathering willow whips for a sphere I envisioned and ultimately created. With a cedar deck perched on 5 gal. buckets, Freckles & I can nap in the Willow Ball in the cool air of Fall or Spring and watch the neighborhood wildlife tiptoe to the fountain for water. While unpacking books, we found my daughter's favorite book - Dinner at Magritte's. I immediately began searching for an old screen door and my paints for a tactile homage to Magritte and relived our many readings with my daughter drifting off to sleep. Several projects later, my husband (with irritation in his voice) beckoned me to leave behind my projects to pick up sticks. Off I went, schlepping along, pouting just a little (OK, maybe a lot) and while looking at the growing pile, a particularly twisted limb caught my eye. I broke out my nailer, bow saw and spray paint and created a 10'x10' black trellis for the price of nails and paint.
Wherever I go, usually with Freckles by my side, I collect objects for my growing supply of materials for upcycled, mixed medium garden art. My latest projects are wire ornaments (bugs & birds), mobiles, miniature landscapes and container gardens, paintings and more. Who knew I'd find such peace in the dirt under my fingernails and paint in my hair???
The Artful Gardener, Ann Ayers Art, Garden Art

The Artful Gardener
Ann Ayers Art
Garden Art