Email: aayers324@gmail.com

Quilt made from pvc window blinds cut and painted and then arranged into the star pattern.

A little dark for me, but I can't help but think that if we don't do something, we'll lose the Monarch Butterfly as a species. If that happens, we'll only hold them in our memories and gradually forget how beautiful they were. Let's not let them slip into silhouettes in our minds.

Simple shapes, handmade, aluminum on insulation support wire, spray paint.

Whirling acrylic relics on black spiral - garden art moving in the wind.

It was tired and tossed. A little paint - ok - a lot of paint and it's new again. It serves as a nice distraction in screening the utilities.

Steel quilt tiles - a gift to me from the nicest sister in law in the world.

Balls on Steel rods set in concrete that is still curing - hence the tie.

If you look closely, you will see the bluebird sized entryways hidden in the swirling lines of a Vincent Van Gogh poster decoupaged onto exterior grade plywood. Despite UV Sealer application, the poster faded in the sun. I repainted to the best of my ability & was rewarded to see Warblers nesting in both boxes. The Artful Gardener, Ann Ayers Art, Garden Art

Placement of oranges & grape jelly drew in several pairs of stunning Orioles. The Artful Gardener, Ann Ayers Art, Garden Art